MANCHESTER UNITED EXPERIENCE A SERIOUS POTENTIAL CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP - What's The Outcome Of The Glazer Out Movement But The Process Of Implementing New Ownership Left With A Long Road Ahead - Part III

(Earlier parts of this Article can be found on the Manchester United Channel website) A massive franchise such as Manchester United needs to have a good portion of Manchester United FC resting in the hands of independent investors to function effectively regardless of how small the shares held by these small investors might be compared to the 55% stake holding held by the major owners of the football club. Regardless of what the Manchester United hierarchy might evolve to over the next year, at the moment, the fact of the matter is that there is one aspect of every business that tends to be the deciding factor that measures just how successful and how progressive any football club is and that is the status of the fan base. When addressing topics related to Manchester United's ownership structure, ...