Manchester United Erik Ten Hag Rebuild continues As The Manchester United Dutch Manager Continues To Face A Series Of Stumbling Blocks- Jadon Sancho & Antony Situation Addressed (Pt 29)

Jadon Sancho will leave Manchester United in the 2024 January transfer window. Is that the official stance taken at Manchester United regarding a long-running, unresolved, disagreement between a Manchester United forward who has displayed the mindset of standing up against unfair treatment of the Manchester United English forward by manager Erik Ten Hag who has insisted on unapologetically installing his authority within United football club. On the one end of this long-running, unresolved, disagreement between Erik Ten Hag and Jadon Sancho is a manager who has unapologetically utilized the current existing level of absolute power given to the Dutch manager at Manchester United and through the use of absolute power the Dutch manager has ultimately arrived at the decision that retaining the -My way or the highway- mentality is the best way to achieve top success at Manchester United football club. as manager. Of co...