Are The Glory Days Over For Manchester United?

DISAPPOINTING DAY FOR MANCHESTER UNITED. If there is any Manchester United fan that can honestly say that he or she can point out any positive sign after the team's game against Sunderland today then he or she did not obviously watch the same game that I watched today. Where do I start? Do I start from the way the team first relinquished the first goal by giving away a needless free kick that resulted in the first goal? It will be difficult not to open todays blog from any other point in the game. I am still left in the dark as to why Manchester United conceded a needless free kick in the opening moments of the game which resulted in Sunderlands new signing Wahbi Khazri converting the free kick into a goal: Why the tackle?,the Sunderland player was moving towards the throwing line so why tackle him a few feet away from our penalty box so the tackle was completely pointless and proved costly to the team. After Mancheste...