Paul Pogba makes the headline news once again. This headline quite honestly should not come as any major surprise to any Manchester United fan in regards to modern day journalism. 

Paul Pogba gets a new hair cut and the hair cut is turned into something negative by the media. Paul Pogba plays a stellar game against Bournemouth at the weekend making great passes, playing one-two football with his team and showing what a great box to box footballer he is for Manchester United and yet a day or two later the media cannot help but slander the French man for his choice of hair cut or his goal celebration that helps the French man freely express his personality while wearing the Manchester United jersey. Slow Newsday maybe or perhaps the media especially some specific football pundit has an agenda against Manchester United, free-flowing, extrovertive french midfielder.

Last season the entire Manchester United community witnessed continuous criticism pounded on the French man through the media demanding that Paul Pogba let go of the shackles holding him back and really express himself by showing the world the level of talents within Paul Pogba that makes the French man considered as one of the best players in the world. Long range precise passing, exceptional dribbling abilities, one-two touch passes with teammates that keeps the attacking momentum going and certainly Paul Pogba’s goal-scoring technique must not be overlooked when the topic of determining if the French central midfielder is indeed at his best for Manchester United. Barely two months have passed ever since the termination of one Jose Mourinho as Manchester United manager and yet we have witnessed the entire Manchester United team display some of the best-attacking football the club has played in barely two months compared to the entire 2-3 season Manchester United were under the control of Jose Mourinho. Despite all these statistical improvements witnessed in Manchester United, which caretaker manager Ole Gunner Solskijier himself admits that the improvements witnessed in Manchester United has not been a product of his own doing but the improved football currently witnessed by Manchester United has been as a result of the players being themselves. 

Therefore, if the current man in control at Old Trafford has certified that the ``ìmprovements`` seen in the Manchester United players in the current post- Jose Mourinho era is simply a result of the players expressing themselves on the pitch, the closest logical reason as to why Manchester United is currently playing progressive attacking football is because of the diminished X-Factor Jose Mourinho.

So why attack the Manchester United players who have started to show steady positive progression after the departure of  Jose Mourinho with negative criticism? Publicity! The truth is that just the mere suggestion that some of the sports media show and  some of the sports pundits are still targeting Manchester United with negative criticism all with the intention of getting more readers to buy the papers of the newspaper stands or for the purpose of generating more views for numerous televised sports shows might sound a little redundant by now. However, the fact of the matter is that with most major redundancies comes an ounce of truth to the story. Judging from the simple analysis of most football talk shows, which can be deducted by anyone honestly, most video’s with pundits talking about Manchester United gathers around 10 thousand views a week regardless on the topic being one of a negative variety. 

Therefore, one of the possible reasons why this previous negativity towards Manchester United was happening was because (a) Manchester United deserved to be criticized for their poor performance under Jose Mourinho and mostly because (b) criticizing Manchester United player i.e Paul Pogba specifically in a negative manner generates more audience.

Today's article on the MANCHESTERUNITEDPOST website is called "THE MEDIA WILL NOT STOP". However, the message centered around tonights article should not be viewed as an article coming from the perspective of a person favors Manchester United and simply wants to be dramatic. Far from it, this is simply an article trying to determine if there is actual fairness in the modern world of football analysis today. If you manage to venture into one or two modern pubs in countries such as England, Australia, Brazil, and of-cause almost the entire west African continent, the one sport competition you are bound to witness playing on the television set is indeed the English Premier League but that is not the amazing part, the amazing is when you listen to the analysis of the fans regarding their teams they support and you realize that the fans just as much understanding of what is happening in their various teams as most pundits today do. If the case of fans having as much knowledge of how their various clubs functions are true if the fans can tell the difference between what is possible in their club and what is not possible, why read player banter? Why watch banter by football analyst on platforms such as youtube and television sets and subsequently promote such articles through “likes”, “upvotes” and forms of approval?

In summary, criticizing a players performance is part of the job of any sports analyst. Whether the analysis is done on television platform, social media platform or indeed a written platform such as this one, the action all still remains the same, analyzing and criticizing all for the sole purpose of getting the best out of a football. Critiquing a footballers performance on the pitch is perfectly fine coming from an analyst. However, any sports analyst has to understand that there are certain boundaries that are still considered sacred, boundaries that are considered personal and should not make their way to the television screen, newspaper, internet or any form of social media outlet without the players' consent. 

In the event that some of the actions of the Manchester United players do end up on social media or the internet, analyzing the content is written the analysts rights. However, staying within the confines of non-personal issues and remaining completely objective is a part of the job which analyst and writers must remember not to neglect.

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