Well, it’s finally happening. After months of discussion, uncertainty, and partial indecisive, a decision appears to have been reached on one of the most controversial and one of the most important topics concerning not just Manchester United but an issue that concerned every football team across the globe.  
Should football be brought back in the summer of 2020 or should football be canceled completely and brought back possibly at the start of the 2021 calendar year? Scary to think that Manchester United manager, Manchester United players, and Manchester United fans faced a possibility where an entire season of football was on the verge of being denied to everyone for such a long time. Drastic as that possibility might have been, the truth is that the world, in general, is in a drastic period and drastic times called for drastic methods. That is the truth of the matter.  
Nevertheless, football has gradually started to make it’s way back from being disbanded and so far the reports received from Old Trafford appear to be a positive one as a large portion of players and possibly most of the managerial staff at Manchester United football club seem to be embracing the return of football with wide-open arms.  
Nothing is set in stone yet as decisions and conversations still have to be held within the English Premier League panel after the first week of football is completed, then the test can be carried out and discussions centered on if the decision to fully restart the season or shut down once again will be determined. At the moment, the green light has been given for the season to restart, training has commenced as the first step to bring back football completely and the Premier  League panel still waits for the first week of football to be completed to decide if the choice to bring back football was indeed a good decision to take or if the decision was made a little bit prematurely. Was the decision to bring back football amid a pandemic a wise decision to make? These are just some of the questions which were hopefully asked for the past five months of the 2020 calendar year before the decision to bring back football was carried out. 

For this week, however, the English Premier League panel is showing signs that enough safety measures have been made available, ready to be implemented all around the Premier League to allow for the safe return of football in the United Kingdom. Is this enough to guarantee the safety of players, managers, and football fans ready to make the usual trips to stadiums to support various football clubs across the United Kindom? Unfortunately no! Not at the moment. 

Nevertheless,  the Premier League Panel in association with the English Football Association has insisted that while the return of the Premier League does signal various risk of exposure to the virus for not just Players and managers but also the risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus to referees, assistant referees, ball boys, and ball girls as well, the Premier League association has will most likely be prepared to instill procedures such as regular testing before and after matches to anyone taking part in each match days as well as possibly instating the social distance rules before and after matches and any other manner of precaution necessary to ensure that players, managers, football officials, and potential football fans even are provided with the safest football environment possible.  

Are these efforts made by the Premier League association enough to convince the Managers and the Players that football can safely return to England this summer? The results appear to be inconclusive at the moment, with a good portion of players advocating for football to return while another portion of players seems to be against the idea of football returning during a serious pandemic.  
As far as Manchester United football club is concerned, the order is a green light in restarting training sessions as the club looks to be committed and ready to resume playing football. In-other-words, picking up where the season left off. Manchester United players have rapidly returned to the AON Training ground with the players dawning their training attire and already taking to the training ground to resume training in anticipation of the Premier League allowed to resume within the next few weeks. Fair to say that a large portion, if not all the players and the managers, of Manchester United football club are all committed to bringing the season back this summer.  

Positive signs continue to emerge from the recent meetings held within the Premier League panel as news received here at ManchesterUnitedChannel website suggests the Premier League is moving ever so closer to returning this summer. However, should the Premier League return in the middle of the summer season, expectations are that football will not be business as usual for football players and football fans alike.  
With the game of football being a contact sport, the natural outcome to occur as a result of concerns regarding the ongoing battle against the dangerous Covid19 virus is frequent questions asked by various parties such as the Professional Footballers Association regarding what strategies exactly does the Premier League association have planned towards maintaining the health safety of not just Premier League players, managers, match official and stadium workers e.t.c but also how exactly will the premier league guarantee the safety of football fans when football fans are allowed to go to live matches soon?  
From what the ManchesterUnitedChannel website understands so far, the Professional Footballers Association have taken impressive precautions such as maintaining a training regime that integrates players having to maintain six feet spacing while training with teammates, players undergoing regular tests before and after matches to maintain high health safety and a few other steps expected to commence as soon as possible in the Premier League.  
These procedures are expected, in the battle against the Covid19 virus, to ensure that players, managers, staff members, and fans of each and every club involved in the English Premier League are kept as safe as possible at all times. 

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