(Part 1 to 5 of this article can be found on the Manchester United Channel website)

Consistent drive to win, consistent passion to succeed, consistent quality football implemented on match days, and consistent improvement in the level of football delivered from each player and the team in general. Four attributes that the Manchester United women's team has harnessed to get to where they are at this relatively young stage in the existence of the Manchester United Women's team as the calendar approaches four years since the Manchester United Women's team was established.   







Consistent drive, consistent quality, consistent passion, and consistent improvement are all recognized as necessary attributes which any team will need to achieve success. So far the Manchester United women's team has displayed the ability to apply these qualities to the level of football the Manchester United Women's team has displayed on the pitch in the Red Devils' continuous stride to attain top success. 

While the Manchester United women's team has so far harnessed these abilities and applied these attributes to their continuous effort to climb towards the top of the Barclay FA Women Super League table each and every season, the question now presented at the doorstep of the Manchester United women's team is not the question of If the Manchester United women's team have the quality needed to attain success In the modern-day Women's game of football, particularly at the top level? 




Actually, the better, relative, question which should be addressed in regards to the Manchester United women's team is- can the Manchester United women's team apply the impressive high-level quality football that the Red Devils have occasionally displayed this season regularly?

Can the Manchester United women's team apply top-quality football regularly not only for the remainder of the current season but also during the span of next season? 


With Manchester United women's team now subtly reinstating the notion that the mindset of the Red Devil must now start to change into the mindset of a team ready to challenge for bigger goals potentially at the start of next season, Manchester United women's team have now started to appear more confident in the belief that the Red Devils are worthy of securing top success for themselves, if not this season, then next season.  









More work still needs to be done to this Manchester United women's team during the upcoming 2022 summer transfer window if the Manchester United women's team is truly serious about mounting any sort of serious claim that the Red Devils are finally ready to at least be regarded as a team that possesses sufficient level of threat in terms of quality players which can lead the Red Devils to success in the race to win the Barclays FA Women Trophy in the race to attain Champions League qualification.  




In regards to the bigger picture which entails the goal of the Red Devils securing some of the top trophies available in the modern-day womens' game, more work still needs to be done to this Manchester United women's team during the upcoming 2022 summer transfer window.

Undoubtedly the 2022 summer season will need to produce an outcome where the Manchester United board successfully imposes that little more necessary effort into improving the Manchester United women's team with a blend of not only maintaining the presence of current quality players in the squad- which is, truthfully, all the players within the current Manchester United Womens' team roster-  But the 2022 summer transfer window must also produce an outcome where the Manchester United Board inject one or two more players who possess the right level of top quality needed to maintain an injection of top quality in the Manchester United women's team. 




There is sufficient quality within this Manchester United women's team to keep the Red Devils afloat. However, the managerial team in charge at Leah Sports Village and the Manchester United Board simply need to retain the current look of the Manchester United women's team by way of renewing contracts got some of the current key players within the Manchester United women's team who will be out contract during the upcoming 2022 summer transfer window. 







Realistically, more work needs to be done to this Manchester United women's team during the 2022 summer transfer window if the Manchester United women's team is truly serious about mounting any sort of claim that the Red Devils are finally ready to at least be regarded as a team that possesses sufficient level of threat which will deliver success for the Manchester United women's team.

Success, in this case, is not exclusive to the race to win the Barclays FA Women's league Trophy but success in this case also refers to the Manchester United women's team reaching the goal of attaining success in the race to win the Champions League trophy over the next two years should the Manchester United Womens' team qualify for next seasons’ Champions League competition at the end of this season. 

(Next part of the article coming soon)


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