MANCHESTER UNITED CONTINUE SEARCH TO ESTABLISH A NEW MERGER OWNERSHIP - The Process Of Establishing A Change In Manchester United Hierarchy In The Form Of A Potential Sale Of Manchester United Now Underway (Part II)

However, the final point remains that a new merger ownership structure is set to be established within Manchester United's hierarchy.   



Therefore, the anticipated outcome set to emerge by the conclusion of the 2023 summer season baring the possibility of the ongoing sale process expanding into the midway point of the 2023 fall season is that a successful implementation of a change manifesting within the hierarchy at Manchester United will have been completed before the conclusion of the 2023 calendar year us a handful of interested parties are understood to have to make a move to establish their name as a potential new co-owner of Manchester United with conversations already reported as having kick-started between Manchester United representatives and the interested parties- legal representatives.  



Further understanding generated has revealed that a handful of interested parties understood to I've already been registered as running candidates aiming to secure ownership of Manchester United football club understood to be emerging from across various parts of the globe.  



As of late January 2023, the parties or consortiums that are understood you have it's probably a please put themselves ahead of other consortiums who are yet to be fully registered in the race to secure ownership of Manchester United football club have been confirmed to be parties or individuals emerging primarily from the Middle East sector and from the American market.   


In regards to a potential new co-ownership structure set to be established between the currently existing ownership structure operating at Manchester United, the Glazers, and a potential new American consortium such as the current interested running party Apple limited based in The United States of America led by executive member Tim Cook uh projected to be the two main parties projected to be a part of the potential new ownership structure set to be established at Manchester United by late 2023.  




However, there is no finalized outcome established as of yet regarding the potential new hierarchy of system set to be established at Manchester United with a hierarchy system anticipated to be established around a dual partnership merger consisting of the currently existing ownership structure of the Glazer brothers and a potential new hierarchy member emerging from the Arabian market as the possibility of Arabian ownership being established at Manchester United remains a reality that could be found due to the understood proclamation made by the Arabian government in the mid to late period of 2022 that no limitations will be sanctioned to any hierarchy emerging from the UAE intent on obtaining ownership of any European clubs.  


As a result of the proclamation made by the UAE government, the situation has opened the landscape of the new hierarchical system set to be established at Manchester United composed of aristocrats who reside not just in the United Kingdom or an ownership party emerging from the American sector but the new hierarchical system set to be established at Manchester United might also include the presence of aristocrats from the United Arab Emirates region as the construction of a new ownership sector at Manchester United has now expanded to include hierarchical consortiums emerging from the Arabian market.    





At the moment, the possibility of Manchester United becoming a football club poised to unravel the existence of the new merger ownership assembled around a newly formed co-ownership established between the Glazers and a Saudi Arabian consortium is now regarded as a potential situation that holds a high possibility of becoming a scenario set to manifest at Manchester United following the announcement from the Saudi Arabian high commission stating that any potential hierarchy emerging from the United Arab Emirates region interested in acquiring ownership of any English club will not be hindered by the Saudi Arabian government. 



Further understanding also reveals an implication that suggests that no limitations will be provided by any government established around the United Arab Emirates region to any consortium emerging from the UAE Interested and acquiring ownership of any football club in Europe provided the hierarchy emerging from the Arabian continent to acquire ownership of any football club in England or in Europe can apply the legal step necessary to establish legal ownership of any European club. 







Following the announcement and the expectation of high biding anticipated to emerge from a handful of consortiums from the Saudi Arabian region, a substantial level of complaints is understood to have been lodged from various parties within the United Kingdom with the complaints presented to the United kingdom's federal government as a bulk of the complaints is understood to have emerged due to the disgruntled mindset from various parties within the UK encouraging the UK government to apply sanctions to limit the level of various aristocrats arising from outside the borders of the UK to attain ownership of football club based in the United Kingdom such as Manchester United.  






The reason for the concerns lodged by a handful of parties within the United Kingdom is understood to be regarding the fear that should the UK government allow ownership of various football clubs across the UK such as the potential implementation of a new ownership structure at Manchester United football club poised to be established around consortiums originating from outside the UK, the situation will most likely lead to the potential establishment of various new club owners based outside the UK generating high capital. In contrast, the reality of this new owner being based outside the UK may provide grounds for the new owners to avoid implementing the necessary tax rate needed to be enforced on local primary owners of football clubs in the UK. 


The implementation of necessary taxes is deemed to be highly essential, particularly around the topic of the upcoming establishment of a potential new ownership set to be established within a massive enterprise such as Manchester United allowing hierarchies based outside the UK to avoid tax payments necessary to keep the United kingdom's economy flowing. 







As is understood, the concern of tax deductions and increased financial accumulations which will usually favor the growth and stabilization of the UK economy feared to potentially move away from the United Kingdom and nestle in the hands of parties operating across the borders of the UK had led to massive complaints from various parties within the United Kingdom insisting that the federal government of the United Kingdom establish some manner of sanctions to the potential consortiums emerging from beyond the borders of the UK attempting to attain ownership of football clubs within the UK.

The understood mentality built around the demand for the new hierarchy assembled at Manchester United built around a hierarchical body that consists of owners who originated from the UK is rooted in the concern that with the current inflated number of football clubs within the UK currently hovering over 80% the existence of football ownership controlled by a hierarchy based outside England UK might endanger the economy in England.


With the mentality of the potential dangers set to be falling of the UK economy as a result of the existence of an established hierarchy controlled by parties based outside of England UK at play, various parties within the UK had lodged the complaint regarding the outside possibility that the UK economy might enable a process where parties outside the UK create a possible inflation process to the English economy as a result of a majority of football clubs within the United Kingdom being commercialized by parties based beyond the borders of the United Kingdom. 



Football governing bodies across England and Europe have registered complaints that the current inflated number of football clubs operating with hierarchies based beyond the borders of The United Kingdom will generate a situation where major profits generated by these various football clubs Such as Manchester United which is said to accommodate the existence of hierarchies based outside of England will allow for massive finances to reside outside of England hampering the that's read within the UK which is feared will damage the level at which the UK colony can operate 



However, the British government has responded that the British government has no intentions of applying sanctions to any aspirin party intent on acquiring ownership of any football club within the borders of The United Kingdom provided that every ownership established within any football club is engineered in the legal metal with the UK government also assuring that any aspiring party intends of acquiring ownership of any football club within The United Kingdom will be put through rigorous testing applied by the active Owners And Directors Test (OADT) serves as an effective medium which regulates the potential of the football club to be acquired in any legal means within the borders of the United Kingdom.  



The Premier League Football Association (PFA) has further assured that with the help of the OADT test, the English Football Association was assured that the right manner of ownership intent on acquiring the football club in the right legal manner will implemented limiting any level of bias or stereotype which might exist within the current race between various consortiums to attain part ownership within Manchester United football club 







The handful of consistent protests carried out by the fanbase, and the declining financial structure much declining or Trafford stadium which has unsystematically displayed evidence of wear and tears demanding the need for restructuring within the stadium has produced the undeniable fact that they call for a change of ownership which has steadily been demanded by the Manchester United found this over the past decade-plus has been hugely justified add Manchester United football club. 



Back in 2021, the information which had emerged from the Manchester United hierarchy had been that Glazers needed more time to be ready to path-ways with their current position as the active owner in charge at Manchester United football club.

And why would the Glazers have chosen to part with the Manchester United football club before the turn of the 2022 calendar?’  


Before the 2022 calendar had emerged, the Glazers were understood to be generating a substantial annual dividend payout which was consistently paid to every member of the Manchester United hierarchy despite the ongoing lack of success that which Manchester United football club has been unable to generate for 8 plus months with the situation having been understood to have drastically depleted the financial status of Manchester United football club with available funds now understood to be below an unacceptable rate worldly of delivering the level of restructure which Manchester United desperately needs to get back to operating as a top football club capable of attaining top success.  






As Manchester United nears its first trophy win in 8+ years in the form of a potential Europa League trophy, a Premier League p trophy, and an FA Cup trophy win as Erik Ten Hag has leads his Manchester United team into the last stages of the third lap before the final lap of this seasons campaign with three trophies still up for grabs for Manchester United, the reality of an eight-year gap which Manchester United and this table is between the significant trophy won by the club and the potential of Manchester United winning the FA Cup trophy this season signals a lack of efficient operation alright out by an inefficient hierarchy established within the ownership sector at Manchester United.    

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