Manchester United Set To Experience Change In Both the Ownership Sector and Manchester United Also Set To Experience Change Which Is Expected To Improve The Level Of Football Displayed On The Pitch Even Further ( Part 14)

This is certainly a strong statement that sets the entire sale process transpiring at Manchester United football club backward with the final verdict on who the new owner to emerge as the leading hierarchy in charge at Manchester United moved further from the original date when a new owner of Manchester United who will dictate executive actions taking place at Manchester United was expected to be announced.  






The first original date with a winner was expected to be announced dating as far back as May 2023. A confirmation has also been received on several occasions concerning the series of meetings held between the INEOS consortium and the Glazers which have all been confirmed to have taken place throughout the past few months in early 2023. emerging from this series of meetings held between both parties, the INEOS consortium confirmed that the INEOS consortium has left a series of good offers on the table for the Glazers to accept to participate in a transition of power Into the Manchester United's elite hierarchy status for Sir Jim Ratcliffe.  







The intention behind the new beef presented by the INEOS consortium Was anticipated to facilitate the final transition period, which will allow, said Jim Radcliffe to acquire ownership of Manchester United with the INEOS consortium having anticipated that Sir Jim Ratcliffe was predicted as steps away from claiming ownership of Manchester United as of early April to mid-May 2023. Of course, from mid-June to early July 2023, this situation regarding the ongoing sale of Manchester United has transpired as transpired not to be as had been expected by the INEOS consortium with the Qatar Islamic Bank Consortium leader Shiek Jassim Bin Ahmed Al Thani confirmed to now hold a strong lead in the race to acquire ownership of Manchester United following the series of healthy bids presented by the Qatar Islamic Bank Consortium.  





Regardless of the current situation, the INEOS Consortium leader Sir Jim Ratcliffe is confirmed to have retained high interest as well as unyielding belief that the prospect of acquiring ownership of Manchester United can still be generated by the INE OS consortium through the means of establishing a strong business partnership between the Blazers and Sir Jim Ratcliffe or in the form of a full takeover with broad concepts still understood, dreaming and high possibility for the INEOS consortium implement as far as. Sir Jim Marquez is concerned as of early July 2023. 







Of course, the existing problem which has largely hindered the Sir Jim Ratcliffe consortium being viewed as preferred favorites to acquire ownership of Manchester United remains the intention by the English consortium leader to acquire a percentage of Manchester United which will attain the INEOS consortium leader majority stake of Manchester United stocks ultimately proclaiming, Sir Jim Ratcliffe as the primary owner of Manchester United.  


The estimated Ownership module to be implemented at Manchester United Showed Sir Jim Ratcliffe to attain a percentage ownership of Manchester United will be built around a module accommodating the presence of secondary existing stakeholders which will include the Glazers. More importantly, under the Sir Jim Ratcliffe ownership model at Manchester United, the English. Aristocrats' business plan is understood to accommodate the intention of eradicating a part of the £535 million debt existing at Manchester United Ledger through the goal of refinancing Franchester United Football clubs' debt around more loan models. 


Basically, the intent remains to borrow a higher level of capital from the bank, but the INEOS consortium intends to quantify this borrowing with the profits made by the INEOS company supplemented with half the profits made through the Manchester United football club over the next few years.

The understood issue with this plan is that with this intended plan, the £535.7- £741 million debt owed by Manchester United. will unfortunately remain existent in the financial Ledger of Manchester United football club for the next few years under a Sir Jim Ratcliffe ownership model and the INEOS ownership module has not entirely been embraced by the Manchester United circle. Emerging new revelation generated over the past few weeks has provided the main concept behind Sir Jim Ratcliffe's intention to acquire Manchester United which is that the INEOS consortium Group sees Manchester United as an attractive entity that has the prospect of serving as a Leisure based enterprise for certain aristocrats. 






It's one of our key interests. Get the lads in the pub and football is one of the two or three subjects we ever talk about. It's football. We've worked really hard all our lives. Now we've made a bit of money, so we are allowed to have some fun, so long as it's sensible economically.” 

(Sir Jim Ratcliff- Tom Blow. June 6, 2023.) 












There will certainly be great acceptance within the Manchester United circle for the recent admission received from the Sir Jim Ratcliffe camp as the INEOS consortium leader has to some extent admitted the projected intent of the INEOS towards Manchester United with the projected intent of Sir Jim Ratcliffe towards a potential ownership claim of Manchester United football club understood to revolve around the possibility of Sir Jim Ratcliffe as the Manchester United owner failing to administer the necessary changes needed to lead Manchester United to success. There is also the understanding there is an existing. projected intent by the INEOS Consortium leader Sir Jim Ratcliffe. to implement specific changes such as renaming Manchester United stadium known as Old Trafford if the INEOS consortium leader is to acquire ownership of Manchester United 





Inquiries have also revealed that the INEOS consortium has to have categorically labeled such concepts as “Heresy”. The INEOS consortium stated that such a move will eradicate the historical name of a massive football club that has established itself as one of the most successful clubs in the world with the stadium known as Old Trafford. 





There subsequently an existing hope held by Sir Jim Ratcliffe as of early July 2023 to make key changes at Old Trafford should the INEOS consortium leader acquire ownership over Manchester United. However, clarification continues to be provided that renaming the Old Trafford stadium will not be part of the remodeling project implemented at Manchester United under the potential ownership of Sir Jim Ratcliffe as such a move will most likely lead to extra revenue spent unnecessarily 


Unraveling the projected intention of the INEOS Consortium. leader Sir Jim Ratcliffe towards potential ownership over Manchester United, a conversation which Sir Jim Ratcliffe had engaged in back in early June 2023 has highlighted to some extent the thought process of INEOS consortium leader Sir Jim Ratcliffe towards potential ownership over Manchester United. From what understood, the English aristocrat made his opinions heard about his intent to not only acquire ownership of Manchester United but Sir Jim Ratcliffe over the past few weeks or the past month has made his intentions clear by stating the reason behind his retained persistence to acquire ownership of Manchester United through the following quotes- 









Teams don't come around very often. There are some special teams, and the value of these teams tends to go up. value of teams like this one (Manchester United) is very special and rare like art. I don't think the world of sport would change that much in 10 years.” 

()Sir Jim Ratcliffe- Tom Blow. June 6, 2023.) 


The quote above certainly paints a picture Unveiling What level of mindset should be expected from a Manchester United Executive Circle built around the INEOS consortium leader with the quote above ununderstood to estimate that Goals such as Having the hunger consistently to generate top success are deemed as non-existent for the INEOS Consortium. 





Furthermore, expectations are set for any Manchester United ownership sector Such as the ability for any new ownership implemented at Manchester United. to consistently display the mindset of relentlessly aiming to implement the level of. Executive decisions necessary to catapult Manchester United Football Club back to the top which continue to be categorized as the most important Values for the projected new owner of Manchester United Football are categorized as non-existent\ according to the recent quotes and opinions shared by the INEOS consortium leader. 

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